We are always traveling, whether in our faith, in our relationships, in our wisdom and knowledge, or on the road.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random Poetry

Thought I'd post this..... some impromptu poetry I wrote at Bible Study:

Homage to the Tetons

The Pine

A snap of a twig, needles break beneath
Soft carpet sewn carefully
Life’s seeds sown sparingly

Yet these short stubby pines drop veritable cornucopias
Only defrocked through spark throwing fire
And resisting corruption to form the next city of spires

The Tributary

The dribbling dripping stream bubbles and boils through broken cauldrons
Liquid snow flowing amidst the gentle newborn flowers
The mountain face melts in the way of this race
Rushing and crushing the rocks in the path
Brace yourself now, before you step in this bath

The Wind

The wind is the bard of the bare hard stone
Whipping and stripping the barren tundra’s life

It sings a solemn mass in its long-storied bones,
And moans of the past, of internal strife

Watch your hat as you go, know well that it might
Blow slow down the mount, and count well with the rest

At the crest of its power in the cold clear night
Emptiness withholding, its withering welcome blest

Wednesday, April 3, 2013



I finished "the Search."

And I am looking forward to next fall.

It will be completely different than now.

Now, I'm homeschooled. I go to music rehearsals. Drive a lot. And some more. School is relaxed, circumstantial, almost.

Next year..... 

Dorms, regular class times, varsity sports, cafeteria food (not that bad actually).

Fun. My friends will form an integral part of my life next year. If I make new friends ;).....

The hardest part will be living a distance away from my current friends. Though many are also going away to college, my church and swim team and music groups will be back at home, along with the memories.

A couple thoughts.